


Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Deckelmann

Hello! My name is Victoria Deckelmann and I am one of the science teachers here at NMCHS. I aim to make my classroom a positive space by emphasizing relationships, growth mindset, and asking questions. My passions include environmental science, sustainability, and teaching students about stewarding/caring for our natural world. Field trips and outside-world experiences are high on my list of goals; respect, humor, kindness, and forgiveness are staples in my classroom. This is my third year here and I am excited for the years to come to get to know more of the kids in this awesome community.


Currently Teaches: Integrated Science I and Natural Resource Habitat Management

Integrated Science I Course Syllabus

Natural Resource Habitat Management Course Syllabus


Degrees & Certifications:

B.S. in Agricultural & Environmental Plant Science at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

M.A. in Education at University of California, Santa Cruz


Email: victoria_deckelmann@nmcusd.org

Rm. 42