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Reopening School Plan

Reopening Handbook

  •  Reopening Handbook for Families

    NMCUSD Reopening Handbook for Families (Click here)

    The North Monterey County Unified School District has released a comprehensive reopening handbook to help guide parents through the re-opening of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As you will see in the handbook, the district’s goal is to make sure every student is taken care of regardless of their particular family situation.

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  •  Manual De Reapertura Para Familias

    NMCUSD Manual De Reapertura Para Familias (Haga clic aquí)

    El Distrito Escolar Unificado del Condado Norte de Monterey ha publicado manual de reapertura completo para ayudar a guiar a los padres a través de la reapertura de escuelas debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Como verá en el manual, la meta del distrito es asegurarse de que todos los estudiantes sean atendidos independientemente de su situación familiar particular.

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  • NMCUSD has many ways we communicate with families.  In particular, this past year we have communicated in a variety of ways that include the following: 

    Methods of communication:  

    • Videos messages archived on our Youtube Channel. 
    • Blackboard Connect (Voice messages, text messages, email messages)
    • District App that contains all of the above messages, links, videos and attachments (see attached sample)
    • notices sent to families for each school site (Middle School/High School) 
    •  Social media (District and school site Facebook pages)
    •  Website-all Reopening documents videos, message are posted
    •  Regular Board Meetings (2 a month) with Reopening Update presentations that outline the status, focus areas, and next steps
    • Parent meetings and training to explain and provide support for various Reopening components to include: How to support your child in Distance Learning, etc.

    Outdoor Sports at North Monterey County High School: 

    NMCHS has been working along with our local and state athletics organizations to understand and consistently update plans and implementation of our school athletic program.  One note is that only recently did Youth Sports Guidance from CDPH allow outdoor play, and these are decisions districts/schools are having to make now because newly updated guidance now allows such play as it did not until very recently.  Our board has been provided updates and recommendations throughout this school  year by the high school administration.   There is a standing item Reopening Updates at our regularly scheduled board meetings held twice a month, in addition to other information provided to students and families.  The high school also posts information on their website, the students daily announcements, which are also shared during the advisory class, and through the district notification system to families, including our app and sometimes our district and/or school facebook page. 

    Town Hall:

    At the NMCHS football town hall it was shared with the families the school’s conditioning and spring training plans for football. The site administrators and football coaching staff also shared with parents their reason for not being able to play this year which is due to the fact that the season ends on April 17th and given the amount of time coaches would have to prepare a team, the coaches did not feel they could do it safely. They expressed their sorrow for the seniors not having a game season, but encouraged those seniors to participate in the conditioning and spring training program to prepare themselves and help guide their younger peers. The coaching staff and site administrators expressed their hopes for the upcoming school year and stated that they are going to focus on taking advantage of this time to prepare the team. 

    Message Regarding Football Made at “Town Hall Mtg” and Discussed with Students Attending Virtual Conditioning for Football

    The head football coach and the Assistant Principal/Athletic Director believe the following: 

    "Sports play an important role in the physical, mental and emotional health of our student athletes. Football provides an outlet for so many students and serves as motivation to work hard in school and make healthy choices. Unfortunately, we have made the difficult decision to not compete in football this school year. We had to consider many factors but most importantly we considered the physical health and safety of our students. With football having to be completed by April 17th, we didn't feel we would have adequate time to physically prepare our students to compete safely as most of our players have not had access to weights and other workout equipment for over a year. As we move through California's tier system and with guidance from our local health officials, we hope to allow our athletes back on campus to begin preparing them for competition whether that will be this school year, over the summer or at the beginning of the 2021-22 school year."